quinta-feira, 15 de junho de 2017

A ler com atenção

(quando um profissional que muito respeitamos chama a atenção

 para os perigos da “moda” da alienação parental)

Roubado a Clara Sottomayor.
Isto é muito preocupante e repito o que já disse aqui e no O Amor é...: claro que há mulheres - e homens! - que manipulam crianças na sua luta contra o outro progenitor, todos os envolvidos no processo devem ter a preparação e o empenhamento necessários para avaliar as situações. Mas quando se começa a decidir baseados em diagnósticos e rótulos, ainda por cima discutíveis e discutidos, a injustiça espreita em cada esquina . E os números referidos no artigo são impressionantes...
By Marisa Endicott, Common Sense News When Jaclyn moved to Ohio with her two young children, she thought she could begin a new life. She and her hu...

Eis um cheirinho do artigo…

“One three-year study is looking at thousands of cases involving abuse, custody and alienation. A preliminary examination of 238 cases indicates that fathers accused of abuse (adult or child), who in turn accused the mother of alienation, won their cases 72 percent of the time. They won 69 percent of the time when child abuse was alleged and 81 percent of the time when child sexual abuse was alleged. In the seven cases where judges credited both abuse and alienation in the ruling, the father won every time. When the court credited abuse but not alienation, fathers only won 16 percent. The researchers defined winning as any time the litigants received some or all of what they requested, ranging from more visits to full custody.”

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